Thailand Legalises Cannabis: We normally associate Southeast Asian countries with some of the world’s strictest drug laws. But today, one of those countries, Thailand, has chosen a very different path. Cultivating cannabis there is now legal and the drug can be used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes.
The government has been trying to implement this policy. It is a policy of one of the ruling collisions members in the government. The promise is a separate platform three years ago, and they’ve been pushing very hard to get this done they even passed the law six months ago.
And then today is the first day that the law takes effect and they mark this as a day to unlock the drug many times. And they say a lot of time you benefit by growing this plant. So you’ve got quite a few supporters and also opponents as well. On one hand, people who’ve been growing or going to grow this, see the benefit of it.
On the other hand, you see doctors who come out and say, well, even though they decriminalize the drug, there’s no new law to control the consumption of it. And they are afraid that the overuse of such drugs will hallucinate people.
But the health minister who spoke to the BC Thai yesterday on the live stream told us that parents should treat marijuana just like any other drug, alcohol, or tobacco, that they should keep an eye on that, not let the kids take it or over-consume this one.